I was doing so well at this blog thing for a few months there. Then I went and got preggers again. Suddenly, morning sickness and exhaustion took over my world... mucking with my blogging and being an awesome momma. I think we spent most of last spring slo-mo-ing through the mornings, finalling rolling into Dunkin Donuts every day around 10 for bagels. Bagels were all I could eat for months. I was pretty sure when I had my first ultrasound, it was going to be a bagel on the screen instead of a baby. Instead, it's "probably a girl," and probably due any time now! Officially, my due date is Halloween, but I'm pretty done and would take a baby over a pumpkin in my shirt any day now.
Lately, I've been felling pretty good... that whole nesting thing. With Raina, my nesting was "The Three C's" ...cooking, crafting, and cleaning. I've decided to lighten my load a little this time around, so I've decided to skip the cleaning part. :) I feel good about that decision. My next few posts are going to show some of the projects I've been working on... which currently number about 57. Yeah. Crafting ADD.
Hopefully you can get some inspiration to get your own craft on, and maybe forgive me a little for my extended absence. Because, let's face it: I'm funny. You missed me. Right?
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